The Battle Creek Alliance

Battle Creek Alliance (BCA) works to protect California watersheds, forests, and wildlife, particularly from clearcutting and salvage logging. Both of these destructive practices have negative impacts on those, and many other, crucial life support systems. BCA focuses on the Battle Creek watershed in the foothills of Mt. Lassen as an example of the destruction that is occurring throughout the forested mountains of California.

The BCA Citizen’s Water Monitoring Project has been collecting water quality data since 2009. This long-term project has collected thousands of samples to document the differences between the overcut areas and the less disturbed areas. This data has been used for a research paper. As far as is known, their data collection is the only consistent, long-term project in the watersheds of the Sierra and Cascade mountain ranges.

BCA has produced an educational documentary “Clearcut Nation” which may be viewed here:  This film  outlines the reality of the watershed and statewide practices, which is quite different from what the timber industry and
regulatory agencies portray.

BCA is involved in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in collaboration with other organizations. BCA is currently expanding more into this area.

BCA researches best-available-science constantly. Much of this science may be found on their website. Marily Woodhouse is the Director/Project Manager: Marily Woohouse (email)